This course has been rescheduled to 5-11 May 2025. ONLINE COURSES ALSO AVAILABLE This course will also be offered online as a webinar via ZOOM, on two consecutive three-day weekends, when six students have preregistred for the course. Please contact me at to join the waiting list fof the next online course. Introduction to Tao Geomancy - 15 minute video by Stephen Quong.
Who Should Attend? Tao Geomancy will be of special interest and value to Feng Shui practitioners, dowsers, energy workers, spiritual healers, and anyone with a serious interest in learning how to neutralize geopathic stress, harmonize the subtle energy fields of their home and business, and improve the overall quality of their lives. Instead of paying for a site visit and private consultation, for about the same price you can learn how to do this for yourself and others!
Prerequisites: Basic ability in dowsing using L-rods, bobbers or pendulums; good health, a regular spiritual practice, and sensitivity to subtle energy fields. If necessary, an optional course on dowsing will be offered in the San Francisco Bay Area the weekend prior to the Tao Geomancy course. Tuition: $3,000 USD, with discounts for early registration. The tuition fee is payble by cash, Zelle bank wire transfer,, or bitcoin and other digital currencies. There will be a surchage of $90 for payment by credit card or PayPal. Please view the Registration Form. Graduates of this course will receive an official diploma from the Qi-Mag International Feng Shui and Geobiology Institute, the world's largest Feng Shui school; signed by Grandmaster Dr Jes T.Y. Lim and the Master-Instructor Stephen Quong, and given the title of "Tao Geomantie Consultant".
TAO GEOMANCY is the ancient Chinese art and science of harmonizing Earth energies and our relationship with the Spirit world using spiritual means and techniques. It is an esoteric branch of traditional Feng Shui which is not commonly taught in the Western world. However, it can also be studied and practiced as a separate discipline, for those who already have a practice and some experience with some other forms of energy work.
Most contemporary Feng Shui practitioners have never learned intensive land cleansing and Earth acupuncture techniques. Many of them are not even aware of the significance of geopathic stress, let alone having the ability to clear it.
Beyond the traditional goals of Feng Shui--improving the quality and flow of Qi, restoring the balance of Yin/Yang, harmonizing the interactions of the Five Cosmic Elements, and designing living and working spaces according to the qualities of the Eight Directions --there is Tao Geomancy.
Tao Geomancy works with invisible spiritual forces and beings, geomagnetic currents, ley lines, akashic records, and the underlying causes of various forms of geopathic stress.
In this course you will learn how to project spiritual energy deep into the earth, revitalize the ground energy underneath homes and office buildings, and thereby enhance the occupants' vitality, energetic balance, prosperity, and even their human relationships.
You will also benefit from enhanced intuition, creativity, physical vitality, self-confidence, and personal power, which will help you immensely in achieving both your personal and business goals in life.There are hundreds, thousands, and perhaps even millions of years of Earth history underneath our cities and rural habitats. These energetic records contain both positive, life-supporting, healthy energies; and negative, debilitating energies which drain our body vitality and Qi.
Many of our thoughts, feelings and actions are unconsciously influenced by living or working in proximity to these energetic records. So you can imagine how important it would be to identify the energetic records in our living and working spaces, and to transform or upgrade those energies which are not beneficial.
In order to quickly and expeditiously clear the established matrix of mixed or discordant, inharmonious energy fields, we need access to higher levels of energy and obtain the assistance of spiritual teachers, protectors, and guides, as well as establishing communion with elemental beings and Nature spirits. Towards this goal, the course will include a series of spiritual transmissions which will purify your aura and chakras, open up the body's energy channels, repair damage to the pineal gland, and awaken the kundalini energies required to perfomm high level energy work.
Energetic activation to accelerate self-development is one of the unique features of the Qi-Mag School of Feng Shui and Geobiology.
In its modern 21st century reiteration, as presented to the Western world by Worldwide Grandmaster Jes T.Y. Lim, Tao Geomancy makes extensive use of dowsing, muscle testing, remote viewing, and subtle energy technologies and devices--all in accordance with ancient Taoist principles.
The instructor for the course, Tao Geomancy Master-Instructor Stephen Quong
is a certified instructor of Qi-Mag Feng Shui with over 20 years of practical experience, and certified by Grandmaster Jes T.Y. Lim to teach Level 1 of the Tao Geomancy course worldwide.Please email or call +1 925 754 8858 in the Pacific Time Zone for more information. We look forward to meeting you at Mount Shasta for a once in a lifetime experience, and a life changing course!